I have in the past tried to create a boy Blythe. It was not a success. I gave it another try with an Icy doll. I have seen some really amazing boys from Icy dolls on Flickr and I happened to have one on hand.
The base dolls is the blue hair Police woman.
This is the first try:
The base dolls is the blue hair Police woman.
This is the first try:
I wasn't happy.
He does not have hair in this photo and I did not have money to buy anything.
I decided to use the original scalp. It looks really cute with the part line off to the side so I will be attempting to glue it off center.
This is the most recent photo of him:
Isn't he Snape like with the blue hair?
I sanded the lips again. Re-did some of the faceup. It is really hard to find a happy place between too boring and too much. I took a chance and added indigo into his eyebrows. There is blue shadow around his eyes just to depth.
Right now his still has the green eyes from the first photo. I like the brown eyes the best. This a project on a budget so I will re-purpose the green by painting them.
Now, to order him a body. I'm going to try the Licca boyfriend doll as a body donor.
I hope to share him completed soon.